When Nostalgia Becomes Motivation
When was the last time you went through you old boxes with memories in them? When did was the last time you looked back at those items and thought, wow. I did this past weekend.
Let’s start at the beginning. I just moved across the country two months ago and have started a new job that is far more analytical then creative, and I love it! Don’t get me wrong, I really appreciate the rest my brain is getting, the way I can do things creatively now and its not a chore. With all my new found free time and brain space, I decided it is time to make my art area in our apartment while I’m saving for a studio space and building a new computer.
There in boxes of old artwork I found nostalgia in the form of a small box. This tiny box contained a medal and pins. The medal was from the Scholastic Art & Writing Awards, a large silver medal, ones gold key pin, and several silver key pins. This little box held so much pride for me. I’ve been struggling to feel like an artist for years, and here, in my hand, the proof that I’ve always been one.
Diving further into the box I found certificates, awards, and even the winning pieces I had created, as well as an article I was featured in. In that article my art teacher said ” insert quote here “. It hit me hard, and gave me a great push. I’ve seen been planning a series, looking into space, grants, and calls for art. It’s interesting to think that everything I was hoping to strive to, I’ve done. Meaning I know I can achieve the level of artistry and showcasing my work in public. The nostalgia bomb has given me the motivation and encouragement I’ve been searching for, and I can’t wait to see what comes next.
What will your nostalgia motivation be? And when it arrives, will you chase your dreams?